Nov 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Our first year away from family :(  We managed well. I cooked and didn't burn the house down. There's something to be thankful for. Morgan and I decided to have a non-traditional Turkey day. I am not a big fan of touching the turkey, ask Mom and Chrissy. I've learned from a few past experiences that it is just not my forte'. So instead we settled on shepards pie. Just to keep in spirit with the day we did have mashed potatos and stuffing. Mom sent a sponge cake our way via snail mail which we enjoyed as dessert. Thanks Mom! Morgan thought our dinner was great and I'd have to agree. We may even have a guest show up post-shift for a little turkey day food. So all in all, I'd have to say our first Thanksgiving away from home was a success. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without pondering about what we are thankful for. Every year as we sat around the table prior to our feasting Dad goes around the table and one by one asks each person to state one thing they are thankful for. This year I cannot state just one thing. So Morgan and I have concocted a small list. Things to be grateful/ thankful for in the year of 2010:
1) I am surrounded/ supported by loving Family and Friends
2) The fact the my family, children and friends are healthy
3) My new career and my Texas RN license
4) Our new begining in Texas
5) I'm no longer in the RN program and I can enjoy life again :)
Morgan's list;
1) Family and my Friends
2)Social Networking
3) Make-up and Awesome clothes
4) Food, water, shelter, etc...
5) School

I begin my first shift back in the ICU tomorrow night, night shift at that. I'm very excited! I have completed all 8weeks of critical care classes and am now twice over ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) certified. I will have six more weeks with a mentor then they let me go and I will be on my own. That is a terrifying thought to me today but in six weeks I know I will be ready for whatever comes my way. I will keep everyone posted along the way.              
                                                     Just a little more Thanksgiving humor:

For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson