Aug 9, 2011

The Great Pick Up

My Co-pilot to Albuquerque...

along the longest road ever made by man.

We finally make it to our destination, Sheraton Hotel 6 long, bored, hot hours later. Lambeau took his first elevator ride...and was scared. Lambeau patiently looks out the window, watching and waiting to see his "girl". Then he decided it best to take a nap until she arrived. Nathan came along for the ride and it was great to see him. We ate dinner together and the kids went for a quick swim. Nate and I were able to spend some Mom and Son time together as we stayed up late watching movies and laughing. We miss him bunches out here in W. Texas. Morning came too soon and all our goodbyes were said. I tried to convince Nate to come back with us but he stands firm on his answer, "no thank you Mom".

Me and Morgan head out for the long journey back home to the Lone Star State.

We made a few stops along the Santa Rosa NM.
Home of the "blue hole". People were scuba diving in it. It is said to be greater than 80 feet deep.

 Then we drove through town and found this beautiful Catholic Church with Mother Mary hanging out front.

On our way out of town we stumbled upon this old cemetery.

Next stop is Fort Sumner, NM. Home of the "Real" gravesite of Billy the Kid. He and his buddies are buried in an old graveyard. Morgan took pictures of headstones from the late 1800's.

And how did we know we crossed State lines into Texas?

Yep, John Deere....

 And Longhorns.....

And Buffalo?
 Weird! Well welcome home Morgan! Glad to have ya back :)