The Crazy Carp...I think there must have been at least a hunderd of them all fighting over the fish mix being thrown into the water.
I loved this family of Monkey. It was a definate snuggle moment :)
The most active alligator I've ever seen. In captivity and up close and personal. He/she was really cool to watch.
Dart frogs, Rattlesnakes and a Cobra.
This Hawk was eating the Rat left for him. It was wild to watch the bird pick the Rat apart. The crowd gasps...ooooohhhhhhh aaaaahhhhhh!
♥The cutest and smallest Owls ♥
This is Eric's BFF. For some reason this bird took a liking to Eric. We still will tease him about it.
Flamingos are always pretty. Morgan tells me that they get their color from their diet. Boy, is she smart!
Haha...I don't think he wanted his picture taken.
The end of a very long day was finished at the races.
That was our trip... fun but no sun, seeing the sights of Abilene. Eric drove us by Dyess Air Force Base where he had been stationed for many years. The girls became prunes from spending so much time in the pool. They wandered around the Hotel halls and played with other kids who were also staying there over the weekend.