Jun 21, 2011

The Trip Home

The big day finally arrived. We packed our bags and headed to Arizona. Morgan intended to stay the entire Summer but Eric, Rheanna (his youngest daughter) and myself would have to return to Texas after a few short days. I worked Saturday night and Eric prefers driving at night so we headed out late Sunday evening. Plus we figured the kiddos would sleep and the adults could get some peace for the 750 miles we would travel. We arrived safe and sound, thanks to our champanion driver, Eric. Mom was there with open arms and food :) The kids were rested and went off to explore while the adults went to take a nap. We had a busy week trying to fit everything in. We could have done so much more if only we had more time. Next trip for sure! We celebrated Nathan's 16th birthday! I cannot believe how fast they grow up. WOW! Here are some of our adventures together.

 Back side of Thumb Butte on Thumb Butte look out! It was a beautiful day. Peaceful and serene :)

 Yes, that is me in a tree! Yes, I did climb it all by myself!

 Nathan's 16th Birthday. I can hardly believe that my baby boy is sixteen, ugghhh! How time flies. He is at least a foot taller than me. How does that happen?

 Grand Canyon...first time for everyone except me. For me it brought back many wonderful memories of the wonderful time spent and the amazing hikes I did with Mom and Dad as a kid.

 The Meteor Crater, Winslow Arizona. Our last stop on our way back home to Texas.

Our trip was a success and it was sad to leave. While at the Meteor Crater. Dave called and informed me that Morgan had broken her wrist while riding her bike. Go figure. Poor girl. 

So back to Texas for us. Goodbye Arizona, hello Texas!