Sep 15, 2010

Update from Morgan

Hi everyone it is I, Morgan. My mom wanted me to give you all an update of how I'm doing in Lubbock.I've started my new school, Ed Irons Middle School. I have 7 classes and my own locker! All my teachers are nice but one. I have found her to be harder to get a long with. I've taken my first math test. I have my fingers crossed. I hope I aced it! The classes are a little different here in Lubbock than back home in Prescott Valley. I have started making friends at school and even found one that lives in our apartment complex. I am hoping to meet more kids my age in the complex soon. Overall I am enjoying school and loving Lubbock. Next weekend I am hoping to visit the Mall with my friend from Prescott Valley who is visiting her mother here in Lubbock. We may even talk mom into taking us to our first drive-in movie!!!